Paola Reina's Gorjuss dolls are a worldwide phenomenon, which had its origin in the character created by Suzanne Woolcott. From the initial image all kinds of stationery products emerged, such as notebooks, backpacks, key rings ... In 2012 Paola Reina echoed the fame of this girl with a candid expression, and tackled the difficult task of turning her into a doll. Like everything that the prestigious Onil firm does, the success was immediate. And no wonder; Made of the highest quality materials, and with a finish that impresses with its delicacy and details, the Gorjuss dolls by Paola Reina have become an object of desire among the most demanding collectors. Each doll has a curious name, such as "Imaginary friend", "The dreamer", "I gave you my heart" ... Simply fascinating.

Santoro Gorjuss Dolls

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