Elegance 38 Cm Elegance 38cm Dunya Set Leopard (sent in April) MUÑECAS ARIAS 60294-43 €44.95 Add to cart
Elegance 36 Cm Elegance 36 Cm Charlotte Nymph of Forest MUÑECAS ARIAS 60314-43 €39.95 The new nymph of the Arias doll forests is Eco Friendly. Respectful with the environment. Add to cart
Elegance 42 Cm Ambiente 40cm Daphne Gray Weight And Cojin (sent in April) MUÑECAS ARIAS 60593-43 €48.95 Add to cart
Newborn Llorens Babies Nica Newborn Playground 40 cm LLORENS 73806-23 €62.90 With Nica you will be able to play for hours. This newborn baby, besides being gorgeous in her outfit, has a playpen that can be closed or open. Product detailsHeight: 40 cm. Material: Vinyl body. Articulated Add to cart
Newborn Llorens Babies Nica Newborn Pink Cushion with Teddy Bear 40 cm LLORENS 73808-23 €59.90 Nica is a newborn baby who has everything: cute pajamas with a matching hat, a pillow to sleep on, and a teddy bear to play with. Product detailsHeight: 40 cm. Material: Vinyl body. Articulated Add to cart
Newborn Llorens Babies Nica Newborn Pink Bag 40 Cm LLORENS 73884-23 €65.90 Nica is a very lucky baby because she has a beautiful sleeping bag. His body is vinyl and articulated. Height: 40cm vinyl body articulated The pacifier can change shape or color. The pacifier is ornamental. It does not fit the doll's mouth. Add to cart
Newborn Llorens Babies Nico Newborn Bath 40 cm LLORENS LLOR-73897-23 €63.95 Nico is a newborn baby with a soft body who loves to bathe. Measure him on his changing table to see how much he grows. Height 40cm vinyl body Without mechanism Add to cart
Newborn Llorens Babies Nica Newborn Bath 40 cm LLORENS LLOR-73898-23 €63.95 Nica is a newborn baby with a soft body who loves to bathe. Measure her on her changing table to see how much she grows. Height 40cm vinyl body Without mechanism Add to cart
Crying Babies – Crying Newborns Mime 40 Cm Lloron Carrycot Light Blue LLORENS 74011-23 €65.90 Mimo is a classic baby that looks real, you can take him for a walk in his carrycot. Height: 42cm Cloth body with vinyl limbs If you squeeze her tummy, she cries like a real baby and calls mom and dad. The pacifier can change shape or color. The pacifier is ornamental. It does not fit the doll's mouth. Add to cart
Crying Babies – Crying Newborns Mimi 40 Cm Crying Carrycot Pink LLORENS 74012-23 €65.90 Mimi is a classic baby that looks real, you can take her for a walk in her carrycot. Height: 42cm Cloth body with vinyl limbs If you squeeze her tummy, she cries like a real baby and calls mom and dad. The pacifier can change shape or color. The pacifier is ornamental. It does not fit the doll's mouth. Add to cart
Crying Babies – Crying Newborns Mimi 40 Cm Llorona Ice Cushion LLORENS 74020-23 €61.90 Hello! Mimi is a very nice baby and she likes to rest on her soft cushion. Height: 42cm Cloth body with vinyl limbs If you squeeze her tummy, she cries like a real baby and calls mom and dad. The pacifier can change shape or color. The pacifier is ornamental. It does not fit the doll's mouth. Add to cart
Crying Babies – Crying Newborns Mimi 40 Cm Lloron Playground LLORENS LLOR-74026-23 €70.95 Mimi has a lot of fun on her playground, just like a real baby. Height: 42cm Cloth body with vinyl limbs If you squeeze her tummy, she cries like a real baby and calls mom and dad. The pacifier can change shape or color. The pacifier is ornamental. It does not fit the doll's mouth. Add to cart
Reborn Babies Reborn arias 40 Cm Santa Claus With the carrycot And the Bear (sent in April) MUÑECAS ARIAS 98048-43 €89.95 Add to cart
Elegance 36 Cm Carlota Morena Plaid Dress 36 Cm In Case MUÑECAS ARIAS ARIA-60656-43 €38.95 Add to cart